Today, we live in an imperfect world. As data analysts our role is to make sense of the world using sociological methods. In the state of Karnataka, we will be focusing on the urban district population which has taken to social drinking as a lifestyle issue. We can get insights into the income levels that link people who are into drinking. We can show that it is possible work out what percentage of population that is into drinking by looking at the statistics produced by Karnataka excise department. Please see Report 2021-22 English.pdf

Karnataka’s Dependence on Excise Revenue

The primary sources of Karnataka’s Excise Revenue are as follows:

  1. Excise and additional excise duties on Indian Made Liquor (IML), beer, and wine.
  2. Licensing fees for distilleries, breweries, wineries, and IML vending licenses.
  3. Income from fines, fees, and confiscations.
  4. Other miscellaneous sources.
  5. The state’s Excise Revenue has been on an exponential rise from Rs. 7.11 crores in 1967-68 to Rs. 23,332.10 crores in 2020-21. In the fiscal year 2021-22, the Excise Revenue totalled Rs. 26,377.68 crores (as of March 2022), an increase of Rs. 3,045.58 crores compared to the year 2021, and a growth of 13.05%.

From the types of liquor licenses awarded, we can see that the number of Licenses issued are remaining almost constant due to commercial viability and political pressures. The civil society effects fall out needs to be contained ONLY by sociologists with appropriate techniques.

From the chart below we can see that alcohol is more easily available in Karnataka’s urban areas than in rural areas. This makes it easier for people to drink as and when they please.


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